Endless desert

Stage 1

In the first level area of the game, you will enter a vast and desolate desert world. The area is full of sand and towering dunes, with little green vegetation. The desert is a cruel, barren place, lonely and endless.

There are all kinds of dangerous monsters in the desert area, they are in the form of stone tools and skeletons, can be seen everywhere. Merciless and ferocious, these creatures weave their way through the desert's labyrinths, looking to attack adventurers who enter their territory. The crackling of bones and the shattering of stones echoed in the wind, giving a chilling atmosphere.

You will face the threat of drought and dust storms and will need to cross this desert carefully. You may find some rare relics or hidden treasures, but they are usually guarded by demons and require courage and skill to obtain. You need to use your intelligence and agility to overcome these brutal environments and evil demons in order to continue your adventure.

In this desert region, you will face extreme environmental challenges and fierce enemies. Only through courage, perseverance and wisdom can you triumph in this dead land, uncover the mysteries of the desert depths and continue your adventure!

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